The Tabernacle

Consider the Lilies, with Orchestra (2012) | The Tabernacle Choir

The Tabernacle as Seen from the New Testament

Hallelujah, from Christ on the Mount of Olives | The Tabernacle Choir

Tabernacle in 3D - Outer Court (Exodus 27:9-19)

Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful | Laura Osnes and The Tabernacle Choir

The Tabernacle - The Altar of Burnt Offering - (Exodus 27:1-8)

Amazing Grace | The Tabernacle Choir

And the Glory of the Lord, from Messiah (2018) - The Tabernacle Choir


(8/25/24) | Music & the Spoken Word | The Tabernacle Choir (#livestream)

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (2019) | The Tabernacle Choir

Be Still, My Soul | The Tabernacle Choir

The Spirit of God | The Tabernacle Choir

Bound for the Promised Land | The Tabernacle Choir

The Tabernacle Explained Pt. 1

I Believe in Christ | The Tabernacle Choir

Go Tell It on the Mountain (Organ Solo) | The Tabernacle Choir

And the Glory of the Lord, from Messiah (2014) | The Tabernacle Choir

Joy to the World (2017) - Gabriel Trumpet Ensemble & The Tabernacle Choir

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (2011) | The Tabernacle Choir

For Unto Us a Child Is Born, from Messiah | The Tabernacle Choir

Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain, from Messiah | The Tabernacle Choir

Holy, Holy, Holy | The Tabernacle Choir

O Holy Night | The Tabernacle Choir